Endorsement from Lieutenant Governor Tim Griffin

"Senator Ballinger has a proven track record of fighting for conservative values. Whether it's defending the unborn, protecting our 2nd Amendment, or lowering our income taxes, Bob has been one of the most outspoken leaders in the legislature. He works hard to represent the people of his district." - Lieutenant Governor Tim Griffin

Endorsement from Senator Gary Stubblefield

 Senator Stubblefield is a real statesman and public servant. I am humbled to receive his endorsement for re-election to the State Senate.

“It is my pleasure to endorse my friend Senator Bob Ballinger for re-election to the State Senate. Over the years Bob has stood next to me as we fought to protect the rights of Arkansans and the values we hold dear. Bob is a leader who is willing to fight for his constituents even if that fight is unpopular with entrenched special interests. Senator Ballinger will stand strong regardless of the circumstances, and that is why I support him for re-election without reservation” - Senator Gary Stubblefield

Endorsement from Congressman Bruce Westerman

 I am humbled to have the support of my friend Congressman Bruce Westerman in my campaign for re-election. 

"Having served alongside Bob Ballinger in the State House, I quickly learned that he is a strong conservative that understands the issues and works hard on behalf of his constituents as well as all of Arkansas. I've also met Bob's family and know that he has done a good job as husband, father, and mentor. Residents in Senate District 28 will be well represented by Bob in the State Senate." - Congressman Bruce Westerman

 “But when the fullness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law, to redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons.” 

Christmas is such an exciting time of year. My family loves the decorations, gifts, food, and family time that this season brings. It is a fun time of year, but we also try to remember why we celebrate. It is truly an amazing miracle that God became flesh, dwelt among us, and died in order to set us free and make us His children – that is worth celebrating!